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Your network is your lifeline and every minute counts toward your company’s success, so consider teaming with Virtual Office.  We are your one-stop-shop for all your technological needs.  Rather than having multiple contacts for your server, computers, and network, we will maintain and manage everything, giving you peace of mind and simplicity in your tech needs.  Your system can be operating at full capacity for a flat monthly rate that you can plan and budget for. 


When you partner with Virtual Office managed services you can experience the full benefits of:


CUSTOM PACKAGES Not every business has the same needs, and it is our goal to meet yours specifically.  We will build a custom managed package that fits not only your IT needs but also your budget.  We put you in control!


 ALWAYS AVAILABLE  You can choose a package that put us on call for you 24/7/365. This truly does mean nights, weekends and yes, even holidays!


REMOTE MONITORING With our state-of-the-art monitoring software we can monitor all or some devices on your network.  We have the ability to push out updates for not only your operating systems, but for your antivirus, drivers, or for any device that is connected to your system.  With remote monitoring we will also have the ability to screen share with you to walk through any problems you or your staff is experiencing. 


INCREASED PERFORMANCE  With Virtual Office at the wheel you can rest assured your network is in the best and most reliable state 24/7. 



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